Azure Resource Lock to Prevent Accidental Delete

Delete a Resource Group with a Lock

Here I am spending a Sunday afternoon writing articles to share with the Azure community and as I start to rush through things a bit I notice the dreaded red X in my Azure notifications tray. I thought that today, I’d share how I’m just a regular human that rushes through things on occasion. So, I forgot to remove my Resource Lock on my Demo subscription and now….

Read the full article at the link below…

Posted on 6:39 pm
Securing and mapping Azure File Share

Create an Azure Virtual Environment – Accessing Storage Account File Shares

This article is the fifth in a mini-series that will show you how to build out an Azure virtual environment to do learning and testing with. If you already have a subscription that’s awesome! You can get the first 30 days for free with a Microsoft Azure trial account right here. Check out the first steps for getting logged into Azure Portal and creating a resource group here. Today we are going to look at how to access our file share inside the storage account remotely from a workstation not inside Azure….

Read the full article to learn more about Azure File Shares and accessing data….

Read the full article…

Posted on 1:36 pm
Azure File Share Demo

Create an Azure Virtual Environment – Accessing Storage Accounts

This article is the fourth in a mini-series that will show you how to build out an Azure virtual environment to do learning and testing with. If you already have a subscription that’s awesome! You can get the first 30 days for free with a Microsoft Azure trial account right here. Check out the first steps for getting logged into Azure Portal and creating a resource group here. Today we are going to look at how to access our storage account within the resource group we created in the…

Read the full article to create your own Azure File Share!

Posted on 11:20 am
Azure Create a Resource

Create an Azure Virtual Environment – Resource Group

If you’re reading about Azure and you’ve already done some reading, maybe used some free Microsoft training resources and you are curious about learning more; you’re in the right place! Today, we will cover some of the first steps as you begin your Azure journey. It’s a great day to get started with some hands-on learning so let’s begin by…

Read the full article….

Posted on 4:23 pm
Azure Update Management

Azure Updates Management

Azure Updates Management helps you keep your virtual machines updated without intervention and using an automated schedule. No need for additional third-party products with all the functionality build right into your Azure subscription. The ability to patch regularly addresses major security concerns and requirements for compliance by reducing risk footprints, patching flaws and bugs, and automating the process to remove human error.

Posted on 11:24 am

Azure CLI Introduction

If you are just getting comfortable using Azure or want to start learning a bit more about how to provision virtual machines using a method that can be automated and repeated quickly – stay tuned as we’ll cover some simple commands on using your free Azure account, connecting to Azure CLI, learning some test and demo commands, create a virtual machine, look at the potential to automate your code, and some common commands in Azure CLI.

Posted on 2:03 pm
Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Virtual Desktop Service is now Available

Windows Virtual Desktop is a new cloud service that delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience that is optimized to work with Office 365 Pro Plus. The new offering makes it significantly easier to scale Windows 10 and Office deployments on Azure and comes with built-in security and compliance.

Posted on 8:56 pm