AzureTracks.com - Azure news, blog, help, security and infrastructure updates about Azure.

Azure Updates – Number 85 – March 9, 2024

A summary update on Azure news that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, Security Copilot and Sentinel topics. Save time digging around to find recent releases and changes. Thank to each of you on this special 85th Anniversary Update Post!

Posted on 10:01 am
AzureTracks Azure News Update

Azure Updates – Number 17 – August 14, 2021

A summary update on Azure news that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. Save time digging around to find recent releases and changes. Released August 14th, 2021. Have an amazing week everyone!

Posted on 9:41 am
Storage Account Deployment

Azure Storage – Keep Your Data inside Azure

Why would you want to keep data inside Azure? Don’t users need to get their files? Let’s talk about data security and data charges as part of our Azure design. When you create a file server, file share out of an Azure Storage Account, or otherwise allow users to access their data, it often can move through your Azure virtual networks through the Internet. Today, we will look at selecting build options to keep your data inside Azure on the Azure backbone, and as a result of that we will limit Internet access and decrease data egress.

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Posted on 6:33 pm
Storage Account Options

Azure Storage – Restrict Storage Accounts to a Virtual Network

Today, we will restrict the access to the storage account to a single virtual network to ensure that it is more secure and not accessible over the internet directly. This is something to consider when designing your Azure storage as there are specific use cases where the design should be more secure. This does not mean it is harder for users to get data! It just means that we as Azure builders need to build our systems thoughtfully. In this case, your file servers or an application server would be segregated onto a single VNET (virtual network) and would be the only systems able to freely…

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Posted on 6:54 pm