I’ve been involved in the IT community since 2001. I’ve been working in Azure and system migrations since 2015 and enjoy building automation using PowerShell within these projects. I’ve had some cool opportunities and worked in a variety of areas starting out in software development for American and British clients, working on network and ATM systems, assisting small policing agencies with network and software automation systems. Next moving into IT infrastructure admin as a Swiss-Army knife of technical troubleshooting and resolutions to financial, government institutions, retail, clothing verticals, construction, energy, and technical customers. I really enjoy working with Azure and Microsoft 365 Migrations and POC setups to businesses and helping businesses stay agile with their technology.
I get excited about sharing knowledge with the IT community and beyond!
I’m also passionate about spending time outdoors hiking, mountain biking, and camping. I live near the Rockies, so it’s only natural to literally run for the hills once and a while. I love spending time with my wife and family – mixing my passions for family, technology, and the outdoors and just moving in general. Work keeps us connected, but the location can change anytime you want!