Find Failed Create Operations in Azure using KQL

Today, we embark on a thrilling quest through the Azure cosmos to uncover the secrets of failed create operations using Kusto Query Language (KQL). This quick post will equip you with the knowledge to track down those elusive “create” mishaps and help find clues behind these operations quickly.

Posted on 8:00 am
AzureTracks.com investigate using KQL and find deleted or hidden log entries.

Unveil Delete Operations in Azure using KQL

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to wield the mighty KQL to uncover those elusive “delete” actions within your Azure environment. Whether you’re a seasoned cloud explorer or just dipping your toes into the Azure waters, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to track down those vanishing resources.

Posted on 6:58 am
A person looking at a chalkboard with many formulas and numbers. Let's talk about cost estimation and analysis!

Defender for Cloud Cost Controls

Finding the true cost of cloud SaaS tooling is a complicated and elusive task. Microsoft has some different tools we can use to try and estimate costs that we’ll cover in this post. There are challenges in accurately estimating cloud consumption and usage costs due to day-to-day variances in that usage and other factors. Let’s explore MDC cost estimating together!

Posted on 7:05 am

Fortifying Your Cyber Defenses: Preventing Unmanaged Device Compromises

In the evolving landscape of cyber threats, ransomware operators are increasingly targeting unmanaged devices. These devices, including personal devices used for work-related tasks, often lack the robust security measures found in managed systems. Understanding these evolving threats and taking proactive steps to protect your organization is paramount. Today, our article delves into the challenges posed by unmanaged device compromises and offers comprehensive, actionable measures to bolster your defenses.

Posted on 7:23 am
Malinois IT Security Ninja

Strengthening Cyber Defenses Against Modern Threats

In today’s digital age, cyber threats have evolved into sophisticated attacks that exploit vulnerabilities on an unprecedented scale. It’s crucial to understand these threats and take proactive steps to protect your organization. In this article, we explore the evolving landscape of cybercrime and provide actionable measures to safeguard your digital assets. Today, we continue our journey through Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report 2023 and look at some actionable steps that can be taken to improve your organization’s security posture.

Posted on 8:18 am

Strengthening Cybersecurity: Protecting Against 99% of Attacks

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, one undeniable truth stands out—implementing fundamental security hygiene practices can thwart the vast majority of cyberattacks. By adhering to these minimum-security standards, it is possible to protect against over 99 percent of attacks. In this article, we’ll delve into these essential practices and explore how they can fortify your defenses.

Continuing the theme of exploring highlights from the Microsoft Digital Defense Report #MDDR 2023, today we walk through the top 5 security fundamentals to better enhance all organizations digital defenses.

Posted on 2:20 pm

Strengthening Cybersecurity: The Power of Collective Defense

Cybersecurity stands as one of the paramount challenges facing organizations worldwide. The relentless evolution of cyber threats demands constant vigilance and adaptation. Microsoft, with its unique vantage point in the field, offers valuable insights into this ever-changing landscape to us through their Digital Defense Report. Today, I walk through some top highlights from that report and some of the hidden gems focusing a bit on collective defense as our theme.

Posted on 7:16 am