The Mysteries of Log Analytics Workspaces

Log Analytics workspaces provide a special way to store log data from multiple sources such as Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Azure Monitor, and so much more. A workspace typically combines data from multiple services and likely has it’s own distinct configuration for retention. I get a lot of questions about what the differences between workspaces within the Log Analytics scope are and why we would use them. Let’s take a look today at some of the information around Microsoft Azure Log Analytics Workspaces.

Posted on 8:56 pm

Log4j Vulnerability Summary

Log4J is a widely used Java library for logging error messages in applications. It is used in enterprise software applications, both custom and packaged, and forms part of many cloud computing platforms and services. I’ve summarized the threat and mitigation suggestions as well as a number of external resources that may save you some time in putting together your security change requests.

Posted on 11:20 am

Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint – Part 3

n this third article in our mini-series on setting up a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint labs environment we will be getting things running this week by adding devices and deploying simulations into the labs environment. This will effectively be like sending viruses out to our devices inside the labs simulator! Let’s do what we always do….dive right in!

Posted on 6:59 am

Azure Updates – Number 6 – March 13, 2021

A summary update on Azure news that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. Save time digging around to find recent releases and changes. Released March 13th. Great updates and sunny days on the way!

Posted on 9:18 am
Microsoft Azure

How Can you Manage Multiple Providers in Azure?

If you are running Azure infrastructure and have multiple providers that reach into your tenant, you know how difficult it is to log, audit, and monitor what your providers are actually changing inside your subscriptions. From the opposite view, if you’re a solution provider and you have to reach into multiple clients Azure subscriptions to complete your work, you know how challenging it is to keep everything segregated and organized. Never-mind if you need to pull auditing logs to show what changes you completed inside a specific subscription.Azure Lighthouse provides…

Posted on 11:21 am
Windows Server on Azure - SMBv1

Can you Enable SMBv1 on Azure VMs?

Occasionally an enterprise environment will have a requirement to retain legacy authentication systems that may need to use SMBv1. What are the options when you move your services and infrastructure to Azure…

When first looking at this challenge we really (really!) need to acknowledge the dangers and risks that when dealing with SMBv1…

Read the full article at the link below.

Posted on 12:14 pm