AzureTracks Azure News Update

Azure Updates – Number 2 – January 30, 2021

A summary update on Azure News that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. I’ll provide links to all the resource updates with each item. Hopefully this will save you some time digging around to find recent releases and changes.
Updates will include….

Posted on 9:08 am
AzureTracks Azure News Update

Azure Updates – Number 1 – January 04, 2021

The first of an ongoing series with Azure updates in the areas of general updates, architecture, compute, and Azure Sentinel. Every two weeks I’ll aggregate a comprehensive list from many things Internet and post with links back to the resources.
Bringing the many resources into one spot for Azure News to save you time!

Posted on 4:44 pm

Update PowerShell Using PowerShell

Need to update to the latest PowerShell version? Check out how to make this your easiest upgrade yet! Remember to test any existing code you have published or run once-and-a-while; then update your VMs and systems that you don’t touch often, that way everything is on the same version.

Posted on 10:36 am
Securing and mapping Azure File Share

Create an Azure Virtual Environment – Accessing Storage Account File Shares

This article is the fifth in a mini-series that will show you how to build out an Azure virtual environment to do learning and testing with. If you already have a subscription that’s awesome! You can get the first 30 days for free with a Microsoft Azure trial account right here. Check out the first steps for getting logged into Azure Portal and creating a resource group here. Today we are going to look at how to access our file share inside the storage account remotely from a workstation not inside Azure….

Read the full article to learn more about Azure File Shares and accessing data….

Read the full article…

Posted on 1:36 pm
Azure CLI in VS Code

Create an RDP file for your Azure Virtual Machine in PowerShell

Ever need to quickly connect to one of your virtual machines in Azure? You can use CLI or Azure PowerShell module and the Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile cmdlet to create an RDP file to use for your connection! This is not a widely known method, but it can save you loads of time!
See how to use RDP files from Azure CLI by reading on…

Posted on 6:49 am
Azure CLI in VSCode

How to Use VS Code for Azure CLI

To keep as much flexibility in my connection and administration work as possible, I like to take advantage of all the hard work of the teams that have given us (the general public) tools like PowerShell, VS Code, and Azure CLI. My clients know that my love of PowerShell is almost equal to that of my mountain biking, but let’s stay focused today! We will walk through getting you setup to use Azure CLI from inside VS Code. This will only take about 15 minutes for you to get up and running, so let’s get started!
Read on to get VSCode setup…

Posted on 7:59 am