Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Virtual Machine Scale Sets – What are they for anyways?

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets. What they do for us and why we would want to deploy VMs using scale sets. I’ve encountered a few situations where a business has deployed multiple systems to try and handle the growth of their systems during peak demand times…

Read the full article at the link below.

Posted on 1:32 pm
Windows Server Active Directory Trust Relationship

Active Directory vs the Unknown – Part 2

Last time we left off having a Cannot Continue error while establishing a domain trust across a WAN link and with some unknown variables involved; but we had to give it a shot in this case. The good news is that we have the power of community and Microsoft to help us discover based on our detailed ‘Cannot Continue’ error….

Read the full article at the link below.

Posted on 7:58 pm
Azure Monitoring

Azure Monitor – Service Health Overview

Azure Monitor – Service Health blade can help you get a quick overview of your infrastructure’s health in the Azure datacenters. The old saying of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ definitely applies. Many enterprise customers will have their infrastructure distributed…

Read the full article at the link below…

Posted on 11:54 am
Azure VM Run PowerShell on VM Console

The Case of Where’s My Virtual Machine?

During the course of working with a client during an implementation, we discovered some pre-existing custom configurations at the VM level that when the virtual machine was rebooted….

Read the full article below…

Posted on 10:29 am

Application Gateway Re-IP Challenges

If you have worked with Application Gateways in Azure you’ll already know that they can be straight forward — unless you want to change the configuration. Recently I was working with a client that had to re-ip their systems as part of an integration…

Read the full article at the link below…

Posted on 1:42 pm
Commercial Printer

Azure Universal Print

The long-awaited cloud printing solution from Microsoft is on the way and available now in Preview for specific customers in Commercial and Education tracks. You must be also be a Microsoft 365…

Read the full article at the link below.

Posted on 7:24 am

Application Gateway – The Listener

Application Gateways provide a secure way to load balance and route incoming web requests to your Azure resources. Today we will look at getting HTTPS requests to come inbound from a browser to your App Gateway, then get sent to the correct server to handle secure requests. A configuration may use this design if you are using an insecure site on port 80 on HTTP to support usage of an internal web….

Read the full article at the link…

Posted on 1:12 pm

The Humble Application Gateway

Azure Application Gateways offer an easy way to present web based applications without exposing your systems or content to the public Internet. Additionally, the App Gateway also provides a number of pretty advanced features such as URL based traffic routing, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and the traditional stability of a rock solid Layer 4 Load Balancer for web traffic….

Read the full article at the link below…

Posted on 9:19 am
Azure File Shares - Serverless File Shares

Create an Azure File Share – Server-less File Sharing

There has been a shift towards server-less computing happening for some time now. What does it mean for storage, files, and how we access data such as files? I’ve had the good fortune to work with some amazing technical people over the years and I’ve recently had a couple of colleagues ask me about what it may mean for their career with this shift to server-less computing…

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Posted on 11:22 am