Azure CLI in VS Code

Create an RDP file for your Azure Virtual Machine in PowerShell

Ever need to quickly connect to one of your virtual machines in Azure? You can use CLI or Azure PowerShell module and the Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile cmdlet to create an RDP file to use for your connection! This is not a widely known method, but it can save you loads of time!
See how to use RDP files from Azure CLI by reading on…

Posted on 6:49 am
Azure CLI in VSCode

How to Use VS Code for Azure CLI

To keep as much flexibility in my connection and administration work as possible, I like to take advantage of all the hard work of the teams that have given us (the general public) tools like PowerShell, VS Code, and Azure CLI. My clients know that my love of PowerShell is almost equal to that of my mountain biking, but let’s stay focused today! We will walk through getting you setup to use Azure CLI from inside VS Code. This will only take about 15 minutes for you to get up and running, so let’s get started!
Read on to get VSCode setup…

Posted on 7:59 am