Azure Migrate Readiness Assessment

Azure Migrate – Part 2

In my last article, you were introduced to Azure Site Recovery and Azure Migrate. These services allow you to discover, assess, and migrate workloads into Azure quickly using a framework built using the foundations of Azure Site Recovery. We talked a lot about disaster recovery foundations, technical requirements, and some key differences between ASR and Azure Migrate. Today, we’ll be working in Azure Migrate and we want to get you ready to do a test fail-over of a workload from your VMWare environment into Azure. There are lots of steps to follow, so give yourself about 3 hours to work through all the reading and steps. You may need to step out of this article to perform changes in your VMWare environment as part of your readiness. I want you to be comfortable using Azure Migrate so let’s get started!

Posted on 6:05 am
Microsoft Azure

Azure Migrate – Intro

Azure Migrate allows you to discover, assess, and migrate workloads into Azure quickly using a framework built using the foundations of Azure Site Recovery. Starting out with ASR is a solid and well-built foundation that allows you to replicate a source environment into Azure. Azure Migrate service is built on top of the foundation elements of Azure Site Recovery and provides a highly reliable and rapid method to sync your current data from VMWware, Hyper-V, physical servers on-premise, and AWS into Azure. This can be part of your disaster recovery plan, migration strategy, and migration testing. Azure Site Recovery has often been deployed as a major part of disaster recovery strategies for on-premise or existing Azure virtual machines.

A bit of basic information first. Azure Site Recovery will help you with:
• Console to manage discovery and connectivity to Azure
• Replication from source to Azure
• Testing your migration to ensure that you get your VMs in Azure as expected
• Cut-over migration into Azure

Posted on 5:30 am
Azure Update Management

Azure Updates Management

Azure Updates Management helps you keep your virtual machines updated without intervention and using an automated schedule. No need for additional third-party products with all the functionality build right into your Azure subscription. The ability to patch regularly addresses major security concerns and requirements for compliance by reducing risk footprints, patching flaws and bugs, and automating the process to remove human error.

Posted on 11:24 am
Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Virtual Desktop Service is now Available

Windows Virtual Desktop is a new cloud service that delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience that is optimized to work with Office 365 Pro Plus. The new offering makes it significantly easier to scale Windows 10 and Office deployments on Azure and comes with built-in security and compliance.

Posted on 8:56 pm