AzureTracks Azure News Update

Azure Updates – Number 2 – January 30, 2021

A summary update on Azure News that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. I’ll provide links to all the resource updates with each item. Hopefully this will save you some time digging around to find recent releases and changes.
Updates will include….

Posted on 9:08 am
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure

How to Deploy Azure Virtual Machines – Part 3 – PowerShell in Cloud Shell

Today we continue our deployment of Microsoft Azure virtual machines. There are many ways to do this – some manual – and some that support automation; we’ll continue our look at the options. Still a great way to get started with your Azure Infrastructure deployments is right in the Azure Portal, let’s take a look at PowerShell inside Cloud Shell for creating VM infrastructure.

Posted on 9:47 pm
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure

How to Deploy Azure Virtual Machines

Let’s talk about how to deploy a Microsoft Azure virtual machine. There are many ways to do this – some manual – and some that support automation; we’ll look at quite a few of the options starting with some simpler ones first. A great way to get started with your Azure Infrastructure deployments is right in the Azure Portal, so let’s dive right in!

Posted on 12:11 pm

Managing Azure Resources – A Primer

Let’s take a ground-level look at managing your resources in Azure. I want to introduce a few different methods to control your resources such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and anything that you keep within a resource group really. Let’s dive right in and find some different ways to work with and control our resources!

Posted on 4:57 pm
AzureTracks Azure News Update

Azure Updates – Number 1 – January 04, 2021

The first of an ongoing series with Azure updates in the areas of general updates, architecture, compute, and Azure Sentinel. Every two weeks I’ll aggregate a comprehensive list from many things Internet and post with links back to the resources.
Bringing the many resources into one spot for Azure News to save you time!

Posted on 4:44 pm

Create an Azure Automation Account

Today we’re going to get ready to create some automation in Azure together. The end goal is to get ready to set some PowerShell scripting to follow a schedule and run entirely in Azure. We’ll start with the basics first and go from there. Let’s dive right in and get things started to run with an Azure Automation account first.

Posted on 4:29 pm