Microsoft Azure Cloud
Andrew Posted on 8:10 am

Current Azure Region Names — Reference

How do you get the name of a region to use in CLI or PowerShell for Azure coding? If you do a lot of CLI or PowerShell coding you will want to know the region names that you can reference for any region specific code you write. In this article I show you how easy it is to find the reference name to use in your code. I included a list of all the current regions as a reference guide to save some time.

To get a list of the current Azure regions using CLI let’s first get logged into the Azure Portal at Next, we have a very short statement to run:

az account list-locations -o table

Take the statement above and copy that. Once you’re logged into Azure CLI you will see the familiar command line starting point:

Go ahead and paste the code from above by right-clicking and choosing Paste. When you’re ready hit Enter.

The results as of February 2021 hold 64 regions:

The results as of July 2021 hold 68 regions:

The results as of February 2022 hold 75 regions:

The results as of October 2022 hold 79 regions:

The results as of February 2023 hold 80 regions:

The results as of November 2023 hold 83 regions:

The results as of February 2024 hold 83regions:

East USeastus(US) East US
East US 2eastus2(US) East US 2
South Central USsouthcentralus(US) South Central US
West US 2westus2(US) West US 2
West US 3westus3(US) West US 3
Australia Eastaustraliaeast(Asia Pacific) Australia East
Southeast Asiasoutheastasia(Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia
North Europenortheurope(Europe) North Europe
Sweden Centralswedencentral(Europe) Sweden Central
UK Southuksouth(Europe) UK South
West Europewesteurope(Europe) West Europe
Central UScentralus(US) Central US
South Africa Northsouthafricanorth(Africa) South Africa North
Central Indiacentralindia(Asia Pacific) Central India
East Asiaeastasia(Asia Pacific) East Asia
Japan Eastjapaneast(Asia Pacific) Japan East
Korea Centralkoreacentral(Asia Pacific) Korea Central
Canada Centralcanadacentral(Canada) Canada Central
France Centralfrancecentral(Europe) France Central
Germany West Centralgermanywestcentral(Europe) Germany West Central
Italy Northitalynorth(Europe) Italy North
Norway Eastnorwayeast(Europe) Norway East
Poland Centralpolandcentral(Europe) Poland Central
Switzerland Northswitzerlandnorth(Europe) Switzerland North
UAE Northuaenorth(Middle East) UAE North
Brazil Southbrazilsouth(South America) Brazil South
Central US EUAPcentraluseuap(US) Central US EUAP
Israel Centralisraelcentral(Middle East) Israel Central
Qatar Centralqatarcentral(Middle East) Qatar Central
Central US (Stage)centralusstage(US) Central US (Stage)
East US (Stage)eastusstage(US) East US (Stage)
East US 2 (Stage)eastus2stage(US) East US 2 (Stage)
North Central US (Stage)northcentralusstage(US) North Central US (Stage)
South Central US (Stage)southcentralusstage(US) South Central US (Stage)
West US (Stage)westusstage(US) West US (Stage)
West US 2 (Stage)westus2stage(US) West US 2 (Stage)
Asia PacificasiapacificAsia Pacific
South AfricasouthafricaSouth Africa
United Arab EmiratesuaeUnited Arab Emirates
United KingdomukUnited Kingdom
United StatesunitedstatesUnited States
United States EUAPunitedstateseuapUnited States EUAP
East Asia (Stage)eastasiastage(Asia Pacific) East Asia (Stage)
Southeast Asia (Stage)southeastasiastage(Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia (Stage)
Brazil USbrazilus(South America) Brazil US
East US STGeastusstg(US) East US STG
North Central USnorthcentralus(US) North Central US
West USwestus(US) West US
Japan Westjapanwest(Asia Pacific) Japan West
Jio India Westjioindiawest(Asia Pacific) Jio India West
East US 2 EUAPeastus2euap(US) East US 2 EUAP
West Central USwestcentralus(US) West Central US
South Africa Westsouthafricawest(Africa) South Africa West
Australia Centralaustraliacentral(Asia Pacific) Australia Central
Australia Central 2australiacentral2(Asia Pacific) Australia Central 2
Australia Southeastaustraliasoutheast(Asia Pacific) Australia Southeast
Jio India Centraljioindiacentral(Asia Pacific) Jio India Central
Korea Southkoreasouth(Asia Pacific) Korea South
South Indiasouthindia(Asia Pacific) South India
West Indiawestindia(Asia Pacific) West India
Canada Eastcanadaeast(Canada) Canada East
France Southfrancesouth(Europe) France South
Germany Northgermanynorth(Europe) Germany North
Norway Westnorwaywest(Europe) Norway West
Switzerland Westswitzerlandwest(Europe) Switzerland West
UK Westukwest(Europe) UK West
UAE Centraluaecentral(Middle East) UAE Central
Brazil Southeastbrazilsoutheast(South America) Brazil Southeast

You can now use the middle column (Name) to reference your region in code statements.


az vm list-sizes -l canadacentral
az vm list-sizes -l eastus

Most businesses will use more than one Azure region for different resources so making sure you run your code against the correct region is very important.

Hopefully this will save you some time; so until next time!