AzureTracks Azure News Update
Andrew Posted on 10:02 am

Azure Updates – Number 65 – June 3, 2023

A summary update on Azure News that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. Every update is linked to it’s original Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Sentinel or other blog source. Hopefully this will save you some time digging around to find recent releases and changes.

Updates include preview and general availability announcements, news, and technical articles published in the listed topic areas for the previous 2 week snapshot. Presented is a subset of news that is highlighted here, visit Azure Blog or Azure Updates Blog to see all the updates.

Azure Updates

Public preview: Introducing NGads V620-series VMs optimized for cloud gaming
General Availability: Isovalent Cilium Enterprise through Azure Marketplace
Generally available: Jobs API to support bulk import in Azure Digital Twins
Generally available: 8TB memory Mv2 Virtual Machine
General availability: Azure Load Balancer per VM limit removal
Azure Support Plan Offer extended to December 31, 2023
Generally available: Azure Files scalability improvement for Azure Virtual Desktop and other workloads that open root directory handles
Now Available: Resource-centric log queries in the Azure Monitor Query libraries
Generally available: Zone Redundant Storage for Azure Disks is now available in more regions.
General availability: Azure Sphere version 23.05 is delayed, new OS will be issued to Retail Eval
General availability: NLog Sink for Azure Data Explorer
Public Preview: Azure Data Explorer bindings for Azure Functions
Setting Up a CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions for Stream Analytics Jobs
General availability: Azure CNI powered by Cilium
Public Preview ??? Support for WebSocket APIs in Azure API Management Self-hosted Gateway???
Public Preview: Data mapping designer in Azure Logic Apps (Standard)
PublicPreview: Azure API Management: API Center
GA: Logic Apps (Standard) adds support for .NET Framework extensibility in XSLT data.
Generally available: Apache MirrorMaker 2 support in Azure Event Hubs
Public Preview: JSON Schema support in Azure Event Hubs Schema Registry for Kafka applications
Generally Available ??? New Azure Event Grid events for Azure API Management Self-hosted gateway
Generally available: Kafka Connect support in Azure Event Hubs
Generally Available ??? Custom domain support for self-hosted gateway configuration endpoint v2
GA Azure API Management Self-hosted gateway authentication using Azure Active Directory
Generally available: Managed Identities support for Capture in Event Hubs
Generally available: Kafka compaction support in Azure Event Hubs
Public Preview: Azure Files geo-redundancy for standard large file shares
Generally Available: Exactly Once Delivery to ADLS Gen2 Output
Public Preview: Azure AI Content Safety
Private Preview: Kafka Input and Output with Azure Stream Analytics
Virtual Network Integration Support (Public Preview) for Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics is Launching a New Competitive Pricing Model!
Public preview: Soft delete of Recovery Points for Azure Backup
Generally Available: Exactly Once Delivery to Event Hub Output
Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB SDKs OpenTelemetry and Application Insights integration
Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.
Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.
General Availability: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus
Public Preview: Dynamic Blob container name
Public Preview: Azure Stream Analytics Schema Registry Integration
Public Preview: App Service automatic scaling support in portal UX
Optimize your reservation purchases with reservation utilization alerts.
Preview: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.2 support for AMD confidential VMs
AMD Confidential VM option for Azure Databricks
Public Preview: AMD confidential VM option for Azure Data Explorer (ADX)
Build 2023: New Azure App Service plans fuel greater choice and savings
Generally Available: V2 programming model for Azure Functions using Python
Azure Key Vault Access Configuration Update
Database Migration Assessment for Oracle – GA
Public Preview: Time-travel for Azure??Synapse Link for Cosmos DB
Available: Azure Database for MySQL connector for Power Platform and Azure Logic Apps
General availability: Confidential containers on Azure Container Instances (ACI)
Generally Available: Cost-optimizations with transformations on Log Analytics for troubleshooting Cosmos DB
Azure SQL Managed Instance ???Public preview updates for late-May 2023
Database Migration Service Pack for Oracle – Preview
Microsoft Azure Deployment Environments is now generally available.
Public preview: Automated deployments in AKS now supports Draft
Public Preview: Vector search in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore
General Availability ??? Database Schema Conversion Toolkit for Oracle
Public Preview ??? Data Migration for Oracle
Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB serverless container with 1 TB storage
Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB hierarchical partition keys
Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB all versions and deletes change feed mode
Public Preview: Materialized views for Cosmos DB NoSQL API
Public preview: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
Public Preview: Azure Monitor Container insights introduces “Cluster Optimization” workbook
Generally Available: Azure Monitor announces managed services for Prometheus
Public Preview: Azure Log Alerts support for Azure Data Explorer
Generally Available: Linked backends for Azure Static Web Apps
Public preview: Azure Functions for cloud-native microservices
Generally Available: SQL Bindings for Azure Functions
Public preview: ASP.NET Core integration in Azure Functions .NET isolated model
Public Preview: Azure Event Grid now includes MQTT protocol support and HTTP pull-style message delivery.
New capabilities available in Microsoft Dev Box
Public Preview: GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
Public preview: Secrets volume mounts for Azure Container Apps
Public preview: Free managed TLS certificates for Azure Container Apps
Public preview: Serverlessly run on-demand, scheduled, and event-driven jobs on Azure Container Apps
AKS DevX Extension Updates for Visual Studio Code
Public preview: Multi-cluster update support in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager
Public preview: Custom node config for Windows
Generally Available: Kubernetes marketplace
Generally Available: Generation 2 VM for Windows
Generally Available: Azure Linux support in AKS
Public preview: New features in Azure Container Storage
Public preview: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools
Generally Available: Enhanced document expiration with Time to Live (TTL) on any field.
Public Preview: In-Account restore for continuous backup accounts
Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB computed properties
Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB burst capacity
Azure Machine Learning – Public Preview for Build
Azure Machine Learning – General Availability for Build
Announcing the public preview of custom Text Analytics for health

Azure Blog

Lonely this week!

Azure Sentinel Blog

NCS Case Study – End-to-End Integration of Custom BYOML model with Sentinel
Revolutionize your SAP Security with Microsoft Sentinel’s SOAR Capabilities
Create, Edit, and Monitor Data Collection Rules with the Data Collection Rule Toolkit
Announcing Public Preview of Microsoft Sentinel in Azure China 21Vianet
What???s New: Introducing Microsoft Sentinel DNS Essentials solutions.