AzureTracks Azure News Update
Andrew Posted on 11:15 am

Azure Updates – Number 64 – May 20, 2023

May long weekend edition! A summary update on Azure News that includes updates released from Microsoft Azure related to Azure, Architecture, Compute, and Sentinel topics. Every update is linked to it’s original Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Sentinel or other blog source. Hopefully this will save you some time digging around to find recent releases and changes.

Updates include preview and general availability announcements, news, and technical articles published in the listed topic areas for the previous 2 week snapshot. Presented is a subset of news that is highlighted here, visit Azure Blog or Azure Updates Blog to see all the updates.

Azure Updates

Public Preview: Azure NetApp Files Standard Network Features – Edit Volumes
Public preview: Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge for Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Generally available: Azure Site Recovery update rollup 67 – May 2023
General availability: Azure Data Explorer adds new geospatial capabilities
General Availability: Routing Intent and Virtual WAN Integrated Firewall NVAs
Azure Backup Reports now includes support for more workloads
Public preview: Optimize your workloads for reliability using new workbook template in Azure Advisor
General availability: Seamlessly upgrade your Application Gateway V2 WAF configuration to a policy
App Service now supports Custom Error pages in public preview
Transition to Azure AD to query data from Azure Monitor application insights by 31 March 2026
Switch to Azure AD authentication for application insights by 30 September 2025
Microsoft Azure Payment HSM Service now supports two host IP network interfaces
Public preview: Azure Container Storage
General Availability : Azure Monitor for SAP solutions
Private preview: Azure Backup support for confidential VMs using Customer Managed Keys
Generally available: Policy analytics for Azure Firewall
General Availability: Azure Center for SAP solutions
We’re retiring Speech-to-text REST preview API v3.1-preview.1 on May 12, 2023
General Availability: Azure Automation supports Python 3.8 runbooks
Alert processing rules fields update
General Availability: AzAcSnap 8 ??? Azure Application Consistent Snapshot tool updates
Generally available: Azure Bastion now support shareable links
Azure VMware Solution now available in Qatar with AV36P
Public Preview: Database-is-alive metrics for monitoring Azure Postgres Flexible Server database availability.
Public preview: Init containers in Azure Container Apps
Public Preview: Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Azure Container Apps
Public Preview ??? Azure Cache for Redis now supports aAAD based authentication and authorization
GA: Azure Pipelines task to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps
General Availability: Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server major version upgrade
Public preview: 99th percentile latency metric in Azure Cache for Redis
Public Preview: Troubleshooting guides for Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server
GA: GitHub action to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps
Azure Advisor data in Azure Resource Graph is now available in Azure China and US Government clouds
Azure SQL???General availability updates for mid-May 2023
Azure SQL???Public preview updates for early-May 2023
Public Preview: Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Distro for ASP.NET Core, JavaScript (Node.js), Python
Generally available: Azure Monitor Agent supports Linux Hardening for CIS and SELinux
Azure VMware Solution on Azure Government
General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 23.05 expected on May 24
Public Preview: App Service Minimum TLS Cipher Suite Now on Azure Portal
General availability: Inbound ICMPv4 pings are now supported on Azure Load Balancer
Generally available: Azure DNS Private Resolver is available in 8 additional regions
Generalized Azure Compute Gallery custom image support in Update management center
Public preview: Always Serve for Azure Traffic Manager
Preview: Automatic Scaling for App Service Web Apps

Azure Blog

New and upcoming capabilities with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)???An Azure Native ISV Service
What???s new with Azure Files
Insights from the 2023 Open Confidential Computing Conference

Azure Sentinel Blog

Create, Edit, and Monitor Data Collection Rules with the Data Collection Rule Toolkit
Announcing Public Preview of Microsoft Sentinel in Azure China 21Vianet
What???s New: Introducing Microsoft Sentinel DNS Essentials solutions.
RSAC 2023: Microsoft Sentinel empowering the SOC with next-gen SIEM
Announcing Microsoft Sentinel All-in-One v2