Azure AD Connect – Starting Out Considerations

I’ve been talking a lot about Identity lately, and the most common configuration is a hybrid setup that utilizes the best of both worlds! I’m talking about Windows Server Active Directory for your on-premises and Azure Active Directory for your Microsoft cloud…this is the most common because it allows for local servers and resources, easy identity management, and extended identities into the cloud where you can layer on SaaS applications and other awesome things like Microsoft 365.

Posted on 10:04 pm
Windows Server Active Directory Trust Relationship

Active Directory vs the Unknown – Part 2

Last time we left off having a Cannot Continue error while establishing a domain trust across a WAN link and with some unknown variables involved; but we had to give it a shot in this case. The good news is that we have the power of community and Microsoft to help us discover based on our detailed ‘Cannot Continue’ error….

Read the full article at the link below.

Posted on 7:58 pm
Trust Relationship in Windows Server Active Directory

Active Directory Trusts vs the Unknown

While working on a project to get two different versions of Active Directory to talk nicely to each other, there were some good challenges arise. The most interesting has been some investigation around ports, Network Security Groups, Azure Firewall….

Read the full article at the link below….

Posted on 5:28 pm